The sculptures of Gerard Mas

Through his playful and insightful artwork titles and the insertion of contemporary elements and gestures in sculptures reminding of the 15th century Florentine portraits, Spanish artist Gerard Mas creates new contexts in an often humorous approach showing, for instance, Ladies of the past chewing gum, pierced and tattooed, or tanned from an ordinary day at the beach, as if present in our reality, despite their clothing indicating otherwise.

The artist skillfully represents the female body as a sarcophagus, perhaps in this case as carrier of life, refers to the Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment in quantum mechanics, and switches roles in depicting birds observing sleeping human heads, behavior he describes as ornithologies. 

The work of Gerard Mas proposes a change of perspective in a fun way that invites the viewer to consider other possible levels of interpretation and see beyond traditional images, patterns and rules.



Lady of the Lollipop / Lady of the chewing gum

Lady of Lloret / Lady of the Tatoo

Schrödinger’s cat / Guardian

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All images © Gerard Mas

More info on his website and Instagram.